UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour: Sierra Leone, Others Win 2023 Award

Scroll of Honour

West African country, Sierra Leone has emerged as one of the winners of the 2023 UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour awards. The UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour award is one of the highlights of the World Habitat Day global observance. The award, a plaque engraved with the name of the winner, is presented to the selected winners during the global observance.

By engaging all stakeholders, cities can harness transformational change and ensure a better life for all in an urbanizing world. The UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour Award, launched in 1989, recognizes individuals and institutions that have made outstanding contributions to urban development, including improving the quality of urban life for all and providing adequate, affordable, and accessible housing. Nominations were open from 20 March to 20 June 2023.

Nominations closed on 20 June 2023 and five winners have been selected. The winners received their awards at the global observance of World Habitat Day on 2 October 2023. Below are the winners of the UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour Awards and their citations.

Sierra Leone

For tackling the critical issue of plastic pollution and its detrimental impact on the urban environment

By recycling plastic waste for slums and communities, Ecovironment contributes to reducing plastic pollution, with a target of recycling one million tons of plastic waste and creating 2,000 green jobs for underprivileged youth and women, effectively addressing the issue of youth unemployment, and promoting social inclusion by 2030. The initiative’s efforts have also resulted in a 25% reduction in the cost of acquiring construction bricks, making sustainable alternatives more accessible and affordable for the community.

Sustainability, Transferability, and Scalability: Ecovinroment’s approach to sustainability and creating resilient urban economies extends beyond environmental concerns. By integrating a business-wide approach to environmental sustainability, Ecovironment ensures the project’s long-term viability.


For creating city-wide social, economic, and environmental development solutions for all residents in the City of Braga

The “Assembleia de Moradores” was established in December 2021 and besides all empowerment actions taken during 2022, the best outcome is the codesign of the municipal programme of the City of Braga, “Viva o Bairro”. The one-year program is a model of participatory government that consists of the development of actions implemented by the civil society itself in Braga Social Neighborhood’s, with the financial and technical support of Braga City Council.

Through “Viva o Bairro”, the City Council is trying to reinforce the socio-territorial cohesion of the municipality of Braga, by mobilizing citizen energy in the search for solutions that can become sustainable into the future. The interventions can be related to the improvement of the appearance of the neighbourhood, the creation of services and activities for the community and visitors, the restoration, re-zoning and occupancy of public space, the promotion of the citizenry or the prevention of risk-related behaviour.


For its action devoted to fighting housing speculation and gentrification in central areas of three major cities in Brazil

Scroll of Honour

FICA is a nonprofit founded in 2015 in São Paulo, Brazil. FICA crowdfunds and buys properties in downtown São Paulo and rents these at non-speculative prices. Its mission is unique in the Brazilian context and in acting as a social landlord, it offers a new role devoted to fighting speculation and gentrification.

FICA is a legally established association, run by a board of directors, with 150 sponsors, 23 investors and 4 institutional funders. FICA also counts on an extensive network of partners: volunteers, social movements, other non-profit organiza3ons, public policy makers, universities and private sector partners.

United Arab Emirates

For establishing and implementing the Fat, Oil and Grease Waste Recycling Programme (FOG) to deal with waste material from the hospitality industry

Scroll of Honour

Thousands (i.e. over 8000) of restaurants/hotels process food in large quantities and an equal amount of Fat, oil and grease (FOG) waste is dumped down the drains. FOG cause major problems to drains and sewers when disposed of down the kitchen sinks or drains cause blockages and when they enter rainwater pipes or gullies, they cause pollution in streams and rivers.

In order to overcome this issue, Dubai Municipality (DM), and M/s Al Serkal group established a FOG waste recycling facility in year 2008/2009 on Boot basis for 25 years which recycles Fog waste from hotels, restaurants and food processing industries. In fact, this project has achieved environmental sustainability and promoted circular economy and has created awareness in the region as well employed more professionals within department to manage proper collection /disposal of FOG waste at facility.

Some 50 professionals are directly employed by M/s Al Serkal envirol facility to manage operation of plant and is being expanded and extended to other emirates which will create more job opportunities.


For developing training programmes that promote job creation and improve economic productivity in cities

Fundación ProEmpleo was born as a response to the unemployment and instability kicked off by the economic crisis 1994 in Mexico. Through training and consulting programs, they promote economic activities like job creation, entrepreneurship, formalization, and the growth of microenterprises.

ProEmpleo is, in Mexico, a reference in promoting the culture of entrepreneurship as a dignified and desirable way of life that allows people to recognize and exercise their human rights to create better environments. ProEmpleo empowers people through knowledge to obtain a broader vision in the search for their inclusion in the productive world and mo3vates them to be community leaders and future entrepreneurs.

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